Weighing and Measuring devices are required to have seals on any parts that would allow for access to make adjustments. Our inspectors will remove any existing seals and replace them with an NCDA&CS seal after a successful calibration. If an inspector later finds another seal in place of theirs, there needs to be a seal break report to document the circumstances. It may have been a needed repair, new calibration, or an unintended removal by a seal or wire, such as catching it on a sleeve, for example.
If you have broken a seal on a propane meter (truck or dispenser) you must inform this office. One option is to complete an online seal break report complete that will be automatically sent to us. If you have not received a confirmation of receipt of the report in a week, please resend it. If you prefer to send a paper form by mail or fax or if you want to attach a file to an email to us at standards@ncagr.gov, we have Seal Break Report in Word that you can edit.
This page was last modified on 11/08/2023