Emergency Programs works in partnership with public and private sector organizations to facilitate agriculture disaster assistance and long-term resiliency initiatives. Existing recovery and resilience programs, tools, and office locators have been provided below.
FEMA Disaster Assistance and Small Business Administration
As directed by Executive Order 80, the North Carolina Climate Risk Assessment and Resilience Plan is the State's most comprehensive effort to date, based on science and stakeholder input, to address North Carolina's vulnerability to climate change.
Recovery & Resiliency Information

North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) ReBuild NC
ReBuild NC assists disaster survivors and local governments with disaster recovery and improving resiliency.
Cooperative Extension Disaster Information Center
Additional information from the NCSU Cooperative Extension
USDA Risk Management Agency
Provides market-based risk management tools to strengthen the economic stability of agriculture producers and manages Federal crop insurance.
North Carolina Climate Risk Assessment and Resiliency
As directed by Executive Order 80, the North Carolina Climate Risk Assessment and Resilience Plan is the State's most comprehensive effort to date, based on science and stakeholder input, to address North Carolina's vulnerability to climate change.