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September Ag Review
100 shallow supers w/frames, $1,000. Charles Winesett, Pinnacle 336-368-2519.
Implements for sm tractor w/3 pt hitch; 2-bottom plow, cult, 6 ft. doub disc, GC, $600/all; D8 H Cat. dozer, straight tilt blade, $25,000. Paul Price, Goldston 336-337-5334.
JD 9400 combine & 920F header, EC, $30,000. Harden Phipps, Julian 336-601-9031.
Sitrex finishing mower, 6 ft. rear, rough finish, not used in over a year, works, $400. Skip Dalton, Walnut Cove 336-337-7021.
MF forklift, Perkins eng diesel AD3-152, Harlo 12 ft., 6,000 lb. mast assembly, new fuel pump, rebuilt injector pump, $7,000. Ed Crook, Winston-Salem 336-830-7553.
JD 225 offset harrow, 90% blades, new hyd cyl, $5,800. Don Howell, Mt. Gilead 910-652-3311.
Carry all w/dump cart, $1,200; EHD 6 ft. box scraper, 8 shanks, new, $1,900; tandem disc, 20x18, $1,900; 7 ft. tillage, 9 shanks, $700. Stevie Yarborough, Lexington 336-225-1301.
(2) David Bradley tractors, 1 running, 1 for parts, inclds wheel wgts, turn plow, disc, snow blade, sickle mower, $500 firm. John Shepherd, Purlear 336-902-4309, after 3 pm.
Ford 1920 tractor, 2,900 hrs., recently painted, pics avail, $6,000. Josh Warren, Nashville 252-343-1668, joshwarren1@hotmail.com.
JD self-propelled lawnmower, slightly used, 6.75 hp OHV cast iron liner, $150. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.
Helix auger wagon, $300. Murray Cohen, Pittsboro 919-742-4433.
MF 243, 52hp, 2wd EC, 95 hrs., $13,500; cultivator, $225; lrg carry-all, $275; sub-soiler, $175; scoop pan, $200; auger, 9" $150. Gene Dellinger, Statesville 704-876-6631.
JD 6620 Titan II combine, 4wd, w/915 header, EC, $17,000; Case Ecolo-Til 2500, EC, new, $15,000. Fran Marshall, High Point 336-457-0055, text or lv msg.
2016 GP 1300 grain drill, less than 100 planting ac, LN, sheltered, no sm seed box, used to sow soybeans, $28,000. Evan Myers, Winston Salem 336-242-3911.
Intl C tricycle tractor, been sitting, had for 40 yrs., $2,500; JD mower, 25hp, 54 in. cut, 180 hrs., $2,500. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
Ford 420 industrial loader tractor, w/lrg litter bucket & box blade, $5,000. David Gwaltney, Taylorsville 828-850-9543.
Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; scoop pan, 3 pt, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
NH 853 baler, 5x5 rnd, $1,000; 18 ft. hay elevator, $500. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
NH 1069 bale wagon, 460 gas, 5,280 hrs., 8-spd, ac, sheltered, very clean, $15,000. R.G. Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.
Cane Mill molasses mill, mounted on wagon w/steel wheels, pto-run by tractor, 4x8 ft. copper baffle pan, 100 gal. holding tank, $1,200. Leonard Stafford, Oak Ridge 336-643-4990.
10 ft. pasture drag, $600; 10-yard Agri-Fab dump cart, $100; Gorilla 10-yard dump cart, $100; 42 ft. Van Dale manure pump, $5,000. Dale Blackwelder, Mocksville 336-655-9154.
Farmall Super A tractor w/all cults, new battery. $3,200. Vickie Rimmer, Burlington 336-264-0491.
Ford Jubilee tractor w/equip, all new tires, $3,500. Bob Trivette, Salisbury 704-213-4402.
1 set ag tires & wheels for 4 Series compact utility tractor, from 50hp tractor, VGC, $1,800. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661, call/text.
1980 Power King tractor, model 1616, w/4 pieces equip, has fluid in rear tires, GC, $2,500 obo. R.W. Dimmette, Jonesville 336-244-6960.
S-tine cult w/rolling baskets, Cat. 2, $1,000; 9-shank chisel plow, Cat. 2, $800. Wes Cook, Bahama 919-471-1266.
Boom pole, hd, $175; draw bar, $30; cult & shields, $150; all LN, 3 pt. Bruce Myers, Lexington 336-787-4902.
Kubota L185 tractor, w/59 in. Woods belly mower, $2,950. Henry Lambeth, Gibsonville 336-697-0510.
4-wheel hay rake, FC, $500. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.
Meadows sawmill, complete, 52 in. 8-gauge saw blade, 471 Detroit factory power unit, all orig. sheet metal, hand clutch, $7,000. Bob Hildebran, Hickory 828-294-0101 or Barry, 828-244-8465.
1953 Farmall Super C, good parts tractor, eng stuck, all other parts GC, w/cults, $1,000. Larry Tallent, Lawndale 704-538-3424.
2345 bush hog loader, off Ford 3600 tractor, joystick control, EC, $2,800. Steve McCauley, Mebane 336-263-2823.
Tillage tool, 3 pt, 9-shank, $275. Fred Mock, East Bend 336-699-3426.
1994 Troy-Bilt horse tiller, 7hp Briggs cast iron 1-C eng, elect. start, selective trans, used little, new hiller furrower, EC, manual, $1,650. Earl Hammock, Eden 336-635-1110.
Service manual & parts catalog for Case 580-C loader backhoe, $50 obo. John Huskey, Hillsborough 919-644-0136.
Plugger aerator for riding mower, 48 in. wide, flat-free tires, $250; seeder/spiker for riding mower, 41 in. wide, flat-free tires, $150; implement wgts, $150. G. Stowe, Burlington 336-675-0466.
Corn sheller, grain scales, farm tools, plows, other items, $25-$500. N. Lee, Advance 336-998-8922, nights.
JD 48 backhoe attach., $3,500. Nelson Livengood, Salisbury 704-431-4576.
2020 JD 60D mower deck for JD 1025 sub compact tractor, auto connect, less than 60 hrs., w/load & go ramp, $2,200 obo. Lanie Wall, Mocksville 336-650-6939.
Berkeley irrig pump, model 2-1/2 YP, 15 hp15hp, 230V, 3 phase, 3” intake, 2-1/2” discharge, $2,250. Ted Sherrod, Kenly 919-201-8779, call/text.
Ford 309 corn planter plates; corn, beans, sorghum & filler plates; Ford 309 corn planters for parts. Charles Chamelin, Kernersville 336-769-4418.
Ford 7610 or 7810 tractor, or NH. Larry Hales, Autryville 910-624-4147.
Offset disc harrow for 100hp tractor, or larger. Mike Josey, Lawsonville 336-414-3312.
Power takeoff for Case 310 bulldozer, 1964 model, diesel, 188 cubic in., reasonable price. Thomas Hill, Trinity 336-861-4991.
MF 1040, 1045, 1140, 1145, 1240, 1250; 2wd or 4wd, GC, ag tires, loader not needed. D.G. Hill, Monroe 646-469-1327, call or text.
JD rear wheel wgts, model LA. John Huskey, Hillsborough 919-644-0136.
11 ac Alexander co, rd frontage, co water, presently ag crops & forestry, perfect for house, mini farm or horses, $160,000. Hendal Price, Greensboro 336-404-0594.
25 ac for lease in Alleghany co, half wooded, deer, turkey, $500/yr. Richard Adams, Glade Valley 919-846-0022.
12.5 ac for rent in Thomasville area, inclds barn w/lights, co water, crossed fence, $350/mo. Bud Eanes, Lexington 336-472-2395.
Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, any location, $85/hr. + deliv. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.
Lawn mower/tractor repair, garden tillers, other small eng & outdoor power equip, Alexander & surrounding co; 45 yrs.+ exp, p/u & deliv, $30-$60/hr. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.
Energizer fence repair, afw, zareba, tsc, ssc, parmak, $20/hr. Bobby Nichols, N. Wilkesboro 336-927-2850.
Orchard grass/fescue/Timothy/clover mix grass hay, spring ’24 cut, horse quality, lrg sq bales, $7.50; rnd bales, $55. Elizabeth Macdonald, Blanch 336-459-6776, emacdonald192@gmail.com.
Coastal hay, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, $40. Travis Lookabill, Wadesboro 704-690-0411.
Fescue hay, 4x5 rnd, barn stored, $40 ea. Chris Wood, Sanford 919-842-2126.
Horse hay, deliv avail, $50/rl. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Fescue & orchard grass, $6/sq bale. Sylvia Reid, Welcome 336-731-4015.
Fescue, sq bales, $6; rnd bales, $50. Thomas Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.
Spring '24 fescue, 4x5 rnd, $50/bale; sq bales, $5 ea.; '23 fescue, 4x5 rnd, $30/bale. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
Orchard grass mix, 4x4.5 rnd, net wrap, beef cow quality, $45/bale. Lynn Beachy, Hamptonville 336-468-2903.
1st cut fescue, 4x5 rnd, twine tied, fert, weed/rain free, sheltered, $40/bale. Alice Davis, Salisbury 704-855-4930.
Peanut hay, rnd bales, net wrapped, can deliv 42 bales/load, $35-$40/bale. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.
Fescue hay, 2024 spring cut, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, $60 ea.; sm sq, $7 ea.; orchard grass, 4x5 rnd, $70 ea.; sq, $9 ea. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.
2024 mixed hay, no rain, min. purchase 25 bales, $6.50/bale. Vernon Hill, Mt. Pleasant 980-621-5091.
2024 fescue/orchard grass, 4x5 rnd, stored in barn, $35 ea. Larry York, Staley 336-824-2077.
Orchard grass/fescue, rnd bales, $50; orchard grass, sq bales, $7; cow hay, rnd bales, $35; lrg quantity discount. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.
Pasture board horses, N. Orange co off hwy 86, private, group pastures, high tensile wire; local trails or retirement horses, $150/month/horse. Richard Lockamy, Cedar Grove 919-619-5482.
Royal White ram, 18 m/o, from Hodges Ranch in TX, $550; bred young cows, due 11/15 for 30 days, $3,300/hd. John Barnes, Reidsville 252-230-0650.
Santa Gertrudis cattle, calves, $900 & up; replacement cows, $1,800 & up; young bulls, $1,200 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.
Reg SimAngus bred heifers & young cows due w/2nd calves, blk, polled, bred for fall calves beginning Sept., $3,500-$4,000. William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.
St. Croix ewes, reg, $450 ea.; St. Croix rams, $350 ea. Valerie Cockerham, Yadkinville 336-416-2240.
10 Sim-Angus heifers, dob 2022, ready to breed, $2,000 ea. Murray Cohen, Pittsboro 919-742-4433.
(2) Belted Galloway heifers, will be 12 m/o in Dec., blk & white, reg, $1,300 ea.; (2) steers, 20 m/o, $650 ea. Ann Furr, Salisbury 704-798-3460.
½ interest & ½ possession Mashona bull, polled, breeding age, red color, gentle, easy calver, heat & tick resistant, 65 lbs. birth rate, $2,000. Kathy Eanes, Lexington 336-472-2395.
Polled Hereford heifers & bulls, $2.50/lb. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.
30 lambs, 70 lbs., $200 ea. Donnie Johnson, Hiddenite 828-502-0538.
Polled Dorset sheep, various ages & sexes, some ewes exposed to ram, $200 ea. Charlotte Maxwell, Creswell 252-394-6600.
Kiko/Savanna cross doelings & bucklings, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $125-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.
ND goats, bred for being great milkers, friendly pets; spring babies, $100; yearlings, doe w/blue eyes, $125; does in milk, $150. Karey Brindle, Mt. Pleasant 704-960-7342.
Fainting bucks, oldest dob 12/21/23, brwn & white, healthy, tame, $100 ea. Dodd Linker, Clemmons 336-712-2484.
Charolais bulls & heifers, purebred, polled, gentle, reg sires, 7 mos & up, $1,250 & up. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.
Midsize Highland bull, naturally polled, dun, IMCBR #9265, chondro neg, dam Bella of Cyrus Ridge, $1,500; male Kune Kune piglet, dob 7/24, can be reg, $200. Skip Mabe, Asheboro 910-220-0928.
Reg miniature Hereford heifer, 3 y/o, $3,000 obo; 6 m/o heifer, $1,500; 2 bull calves, $1,000 ea. obo; ND does, buck, buckling, $125-$150. Cindy Tucker, Browns Summit 336-580-0984 or 580-1032.
California, Silver California, Bluescales, Gambel's, 8 varieties of bobwhites; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-888-0213.
Peacock chicks, 10-17 w/o, $40 & up. Richard Simmons, Clarendon 910-640-7114.
Cool air fans w/motors, 48 in., $200 ea. David Gwaltney, Taylorsville 828-850-9543.
Mandarin ducks, $100/pr.; teal marbled, $100/pr.; button quail, $8 ea.; various other quail, $3 & up; OE bantams, $40/pr. Martin Dover, Shelby 704-482-0178 or 418-6454.
Peafowl chicks, 2-8 w/o, $30. Posie Guthrie, Pfafftown 336-413-0038.
Australian Blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.
Poultry breeder house to lease in Alexander or surrounding co, 400 ft. or larger, GC, ready to use; may consider partnership, prefer Mountaire contract. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.
Sunflower seeds, old timey type w/huge 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.
Potted muscadine vines, 1 gal., 5-6 ft., planting & fert instr incld, $25 ea. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.
Cockscomb seeds, huge blossom head, crimson color, 18 in. stalk, about 200 seeds, SASE & $3 cash. Barry Cox, 6225 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.
800+ Leyland, Carolina Sapphire, Virginia Pine, others, 4-10’, B&B you dig, $30/ea. prepaid. Will Benner, Sophia 910-890-7690.
Osage orange (hedge apple), fruit only, in or near Stokes co area. Mike Josey, Lawsonville 336-414-3312.
New & unused wire, 3 rls Red Brand cattle wire, $200/rl; 1 rl goat/sheep wire, $330. Lane Barbee, Richfield 704-773-0752.
Greenlee draw knife, GC, made before WWII, $75; Reading cast iron apple peeler, V/G, $100. Gary Williams, Granite Falls 828-493-2461.
New & used water pumps, $250; water barrel, GC, $200. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
Myers shallow well pump, 1hp, w/regulator, EC, $175. Jack Matthews, Charlotte 704-846-1903.
Water totes, $75; metal burning barrels, $10; metal & plastic drums, $10; feed barrels, $20. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
GE generator, 200 amp, doub throw service disconnect switch, FC, works, $225. R. Gann, Asheboro 336-879-2024.
Molasses cook pan, stainless steel, 240 gal., 4x8 ft., no welds in pan, 4 LP 8 ft. burners w/tanks, on metal stand w/casters, $1,500. Leonard Stafford, Oak Ridge 336-643-4990.
B&S 5,000-watt generator, 10hp, wheels, $375. Bruce Myers, Lexington 336-787-4902.
Logs for firewood, deliv w/in 20 mi, $100/load. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.
Handheld tobacco planter, $25; 1970s Homelite chainsaw, $25. Deane Taylor, Summerfield 336-951-3712.
200+ NOS Rainbird, Optima & Water Whiz sprinkler heads & controller, $100. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704-528-9369.
Katolight pto generator, 25kv-trailer, mounted w/transfer switch & cable, $1,000. Wes Cook, Bahama 919-471-1266.
Fresh eggs, vegetables & fruits, $0.50-$5. Randi Harper, Whiteville 910-840-5377.
Weso wood burning stove, cream ceramic tile, cast iron. Dane Hill, Pleasant Garden 336-508-9907.
2-axle flatbed trailer, 20 ft. long x 8 ft. wide, used to haul hay, stored under shelter when not in use, $1,200. Daphney Hayes, Lumberton 910-618-7294.
2016 JD gator HPX, 4x4, runs well, $6,300. Evon Crooks, Mocksville 336-817-6890.
2001 Ford F-350, extended cab, 4wd, 7.3 power stroke diesel, 135,000 mi, EC, $16,500. David Valentine, Kernersville 336-971-6448.
1994 Chevy Silverado C 2500, LB, ext. cab, EC, $8,500. Judson Edeburn, Durham 919-880-4418.
4-wheel trailer, 13x6x6.5, 2-axle, tilt bed, GC, $1,500. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
2023 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, never used, $9,750. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., bumper pull, cut gate, $8,995. Y.D. Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.
1972 Intl 700 Loadstar, single axle, gas, 5th wheel, sheltered, rd cond., $3,000. R.G. Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.
20 ft. flatbed trailer, tandem axle, dovetail, ramps, $3,500. Nelson Livengood, Salisbury 704-431-4576.
2 Ford F-250 trucks, 1973 & 1967, ¾-ton, dual wheels, 1 w/9 ft. metal bed dump, $1,800/both. Robert Pardue, Ronda 336-835-2602.
1995 Texas Bragg flatbed trailer, 16 ft., tandem axle, elect. brakes, $2,400. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704-528-9369.
2003 Dodge Ram 2500 flatbed truck, 4x4, 4-dr, diesel, deluxe pkg, 4 toolboxes, excel. running cond, 250,000 mi, recently rebuilt trans, $18,000. Craig Poole, Raleigh 919-801-3661, call/text.
WW2 Halftrack truck, complete or parts, made by White, Autocar, Diamond T or Intl; used postwar in ag & forestry. Robert Harrison, Salisbury 704-202-3301.
August 2024
Bees & Supplies for Sale
Honey extractor, 8-frame radial shallow/med., variable spd, stainless, welded, EC, $1,100; 5-frame nuc, $150. Ken Medlin, Hurdle Mills 336-364-1915.
Farm Equipment for Sale
1997 MF 375, canopy top, 3,600 hrs., GC, $14,000 obo. Bob Payseur, Hendersonville 828-551-0434.
1995 MF 390 cab tractor, GC, approx. 3,700 hrs., $16,000 obo. Deb Lyda, Hendersonville 828-388-1866.
NH 278 sq baler, 105 SPM, shed kept, GC, field ready, used 2023, $2,500. Joe Eudy, Midland 704-467-4472.
4-row no till ripper for 4-row planters, no planters incld, $1,800. Layton McPhail, Autryville 910-990-3725.
JD 2550 tractor w/JD 245 loader & bucket, 2,100+ hrs., GC, $15,000. Phil Burleson, Albemarle 919-795-6507.
Reddick pull-type sprayer, 300 gal., sheltered, $2,950. Murray Cohen, Pittsboro
2016 GP 1300 grain drill, less than 100 planting ac, LN, sheltered, no sm seed box, used to sow soybeans, $28,000. Evan Myers, Winston Salem 336-242-3911.
Lincoln 225-S arc welder, $200. Gene Clemmons, Clayton 919-553-7905.
Ferguson TO35 tractor & Hardee bush hog, tractor runs well, most of the body of the rotary cutter restored w/stronger metal plates, $2,000. John Wilson, Hillsborough 919-644-0074.
2-disc plow, 3 pt, $200; 3 pt 1-row cult, $200; 3 pt sickle bar mower, needs bar, $250; 1952 Ferguson TO30, 3 pt, $2,000; other. Noble Hinshaw, Siler City 919-663-0477.
1994 Troy-Bilt horse tiller, 7hp Briggs eng, elect. start, selective trans, used little, w/new hiller furrower, manual, EC, $1,650. Earl Hammock, Eden 336-635-1110.
Ford 555-D backhoe & front end loader, 2 ft. & 3 ft. wide buckets, forks, $13,000. Roy Scarboro, Archdale 336-431-7359.
Ford 420 industrial loader tractor, w/litter bucket, box blade, $5,000. David Gwaltney, Taylorsville 828-850-9543.
Farmall Cub tractor, 12v, cults, new paint, $1,800. Jimmy Frye, Carthage 910-947-5910.
JD pull combine, w/updated manual, $900; IH 12-disc drill w/seed/fert boxes, $500; Volta gas tobacco stringer, $250; McCormick slab saw, 3 pt, $350. N. Lee, Advance 336-998-8922, nights.
JD 4420 combine, 4-row corn & green head, AC, GC, $10,500. Mike Myers, Linwood 336-240-1352.
NH 853 rnd baler, 5x5 bales, $1,000; 18 ft. hay elevator, $500. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
Starter & generator for Farmall H, $40 ea.; 2345 bush hog loader off Ford 3600 tractor, 48 in. bucket, joystick control, mounting brackets, EC, $2,500. Steve McCauley, Mebane 336-263-2823.
Intl 3414 backhoe, needs motor work, 12x24 in. buckets, $5,000; NI 484 rnd baler, $2,000; Ford hay rake on NH 56, belt driven, $1,500. Lathan Ostwalt, Statesville 704-450-6534, call text.
JD 240 skid loader, low hrs., 4-way bucket scoop & forks, manuals, sheltered, recently serviced, $15,000. J. Johnson, Burlington 336-212-5943 or 214-4505.
JD 1217 moco, $1,500; JD 652 hay rake, $2,000; NH 273 hayliner, $1,800; NH 156 tedder, $800; 3 pt, 110 gal. sprayer, $1,000. Steve Love, Biscoe 910-220-2580.
NI manure spreader, runs, but needs work, kept under shelter, $100. Marti Friddle, Graham 336-516-3835.
JD 246 2-row planter, VGC, 3 pt hitch, 1 set of plates, $450. Ted Sherrod, Kenly 919-201-8779.
Ford 3930 tractor, 20-disc harrow, new tires, $10,000. David Valentine, Kernersville 336-971-6448.
JD lawn mower, 6.75hp, OHV cast iron cyl liner, self-propelled, $200. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.
Backhoe/excavator bucket, 18 in., GC, $175. Bill Eudy, Mebane 919-563-5356.
NH BR740A hay baler,EC, always stored under shelter, $15,500. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.
2 hay spikes, GC, front end & 3 pt hitch, $140 ea.; hay trailer, $400. Jan Sawyer, Winston-Salem 336-816-6248, sawyerjc100@gmail.com
2 horse drawn cane mills, $300 ea.; other horse drawn equip. RQ Adams, Denton 336-596-9994.
1943 Ford 2N tractor, garage kept, $6,000 obo. David Christenbury, Harrisburg 919-633-0931.
Farmall Super A & Cub parts, pto, pulleys, cults, lift arm (4) shanks, (3) tine clamps, turn plow, $400/all; (2) hay spears, $400. Audie Sprinkle, Hiddenite 828-632-7550.
Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; 3 pt scoop pan, GC, $200. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
(3) hay rings, $100 ea.; (6) corral panels, $100 ea.; (2) mineral feeders, $50 ea.; 200+ step-in fence posts, $1 ea.; other cattle/fence items. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.
NH 331 manure spreader, GC, new tires, $4,200 obo. Raymond Reitzel, Charlotte 704-361-2025.
Farm Equipment Wanted
Ford 309 corn planter plates; corn, beans, sorghum & filler plates; Ford 309 corn planters for parts. Charles Chamelin, Kernersville 336-769-4418.
AC 333 no-till planter or planter parts. Jack Simpson, Todd 704-242-0763.
AC pull-type combine w/power unit. Reid Ledbetter, Olin 704-539-5353.
15 x 30 8 loop rear rim for 5000 Ford tractor. Mary Ellen Williams, Casar 704-466-1879 or 466-1824.
Suitcase wgts to fit on front of MF 175 tractor, around 50 lbs. ea. Anderson Baker, Angier 919-291-0381.
Articulating 6-way scrape blade for a tractor, Cat. 1, 3 pt. Tim Gentle, Mt. Pleasant 704-224-5012, call or text.
Steering box for Ford 601 Workmaster; must be ps box; hood & parts for Jubilee or Ford 601 tractor. J. Johnson, Burlington 336-214-4505.
Farm Labor for Sale
Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, $85/hr. + deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.
Lawn mower/tractor repair, garden tillers, other sm eng & outdoor power equip in Alexander & surrounding co; 45 yrs.+ exper., p/u/deliv, $30-$60/hr. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.
Fence box repair, tsc, ssc, parmak, afw, zareba, $20/hr. Bobby Nichols, N. Wilkesboro 336-927-2850.
Farmland for Sale
25 ac for lease in Alleghany co, half cleared, half wooded, deer, turkey, $500/yr. Richard Adams, Glade Valley 919-846-0022 or 830-8470.
Farmland Wanted
Land to lease to hunt wild hogs. Robert Smith, Lexington 336-243-1841.
Land to lease for bow hunting deer, anywhere in NC. Caleb Johnson, Selma 704-223-4152.
Hay & Grain for Sale
Fescue/mixed grass hay, sq bales, spring 2024 cut, $5/bale. Nick Gray, Concord 704-960-5091, call or text.
Fescue hay, sm sq bales, $6.50/bale for less than 50; $6/bale for over 50. Brandon Kiger, Greensboro 336-681-6430.
2024 fescue, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, $50; cow quality, $35; sq bales, $5; other hay avail. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
Fescue, clover, orchard grass & timothy mix, 5x5 rnd, horse quality, barn stored, $50 ea. H.R. Greene, Glade Valley 828-735-3656.
Fescue hay, 4x5 rnd, barn stored, $40/bale. Chris Wood, Sanford 919-842-2126.
Horse quality hay, 4x5 rnd, net wrap or twine, no rain/weeds, stored under shelter, deliv avail, $45-$50/rl. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.
2024 Coastal Bermuda hay, horse quality, out of field, will help load, $8/bale.
Gary White, Sanford 919-775-9769.
1st cut fescue, 4x5 rnd, twine-tied, no fert/weeds/rain, sheltered, $40/bale. Alice Davis, Salisbury 704-855-4930.
Spring '24 fescue, 4x5 rnd, $60/bale; sm sq, $7/bale; spring '24 orchard grass, 4x5 rnd, $70/bale; sm sq, $9/bale. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.
2024 mixed grass hay, horse quality, no rain, min. purchase 20 bales, $6/sq bale. Vernon Hill, Mt. Pleasant 980-621-5091.
Peanut hay, rnd bales, tight, lots of leaves, net wrapped, shelter kept, no rain, can deliv 42 bales anywhere, $35/bale. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.
Orchard grass hay, 1st & 2nd cut, square bales, 45 lbs.+, horse quality, $9/bale. Kenneth Chilton, Pilot Mtn 336-374-2410 or 399-1973.
Horse hay, 1st cut, dry, 5 ft. rls, $60/bale. Virginia Rubino, Lincolnton 704-241-3734.
Fescue hay, rnd bales, at barn, $55/bale. B.R. Ferguson, Charlotte 704-591-2944.
Fescue hay, sq bales, $6 ea.; rnd bales, $50 ea. T.C. Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.
Fescue/orchard grass hay, spring 2024 cut, 4x5 rnd, stored in barn, $40/rl. Larry York, Staley 336-824-2077.
Pure alfalfa hay, cut 5/24, horse quality, $12/sq bale; 4x4 rnd, $60/bale; meadow hay, cut 6/24, 4x4 rnd, $30/bale. Phil Zimmerman, Lexington 336-406-6746.
Native grass hay, 4x4 rnd, stored under shelter/canvas, 54 rls avail., $30/bale. Tim Francis, Westfield 336-970-0818 or 351-5035.
Horse quality hay, deliv avail., $50/bale. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Horse quality hay, orchard grass/fescue mix, $50/rnd bale; orchard grass, $7/sq bale; lrg quantity discount. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.
Horses & Supplies for Sale
Western saddle, TexTan AQHA collection, 16" seat, GC, $350. Lynn Scholz, Pilot Mtn 336-368-3050.
Miniature horse cart, GC, $350. Kenneth Peeler, Gold Hill 704-223-2361.
Livestock for Sale
(2) ND does, tri color, blue eyes, dob 4/24; (1) ND buck, blk & white, blue eyes, dob 5/24, $150 ea. Donald Edge, Hope Mills 910-988-5748.
Reg Katahdin ewes, $300-$400; reg Katahdin ram, 3 y/o, Hound River genetics, $600. Mark Mills, Peachland 704-254-5724.
Pygmy goats, male & female, 2 mos-6 yrs., $100-$150 w/discounts on 2 or more. M. Sharpe, Denton 336-241-2752.
10 SimAngus heifers, dob 2022, ready to breed, $2,000 ea. Murray Cohen, Pittsboro 919-742-4433.
Reg SimAngus bred heifers & young cows expecting 2nd calves, blk, polled, bred for fall calves beginning in Sept., $3,500-$4,000. William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.
Santa Gertrudis cattle, calves, $900 & up; replacement cows, $1,800 & up; young bulls, $1,200 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.
Kiko/Savanna cross kids, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, avail. now, $125-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.
Fainting goats, $150 & up. Joan Culberson, Snow Camp 919-259-6139.
Charolais bulls & heifers, purebred, polled, gentle, reg sires, 7 mos & up, $1,200 & up. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.
½ interest & ½ possession in Blue Q Charolais bull, sire VPI Free Lunch, dam is best Angus at Blue Q, proven easy calver, gentle, $3,000. Bud Eanes, Lexington 336-472-2395.
Nubian buckling, 4 m/o, $150; Nubian doeling, 4 m/o, $200; Nubian doe, 1 y/o, may be ADGA reg, $300. L.A. Mize, Lexington 336-250-4520.
Reg Red Angus bull, 6 y/o, DRF Profit, great demeanor, calving ease, ready for service; calves, bulls & heifers on site, $5,000. Loretta Batchelor, Bear Creek 919-552-7695.
Poultry & Supplies for Sale
Duck eggs, free range, $5/doz. Chelsea Thomas, Walnut Cove 336-817-1502.
Bobwhite quail, $5.50; Ringneck & Melanistic Mutant pheasants, $15. Curtis Meissner, Bostic 609-273-2230.
Baby chicks, 50 avail., $2.50 ea. Virginia Rubio, Lincolnton 704-241-3734.
Game chickens, butchers, sweaters; radio sweaters, stags & pullets, $50-$75. James Coble, Pleasant Garden 336-709-6729.
Poultry & Supplies Wanted
Poultry breeder house to lease, 400 ft. or larger, in Alexander or surrounding co, GC, ready to use; may consider partnership. William Munday Sr., Taylorsville 828-638-1521.
Blk cochin Bantams, young birds. Wade Shelton, Mt. Airy 336-374-2254.
Fantail pigeons, American w/blk body mark; blk or silver American saddleback. Larry Matthews, Warsaw 910-293-7840.
Seeds & Plants for Sale
Sunflower seeds, 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.
Green Giants, Alberta Spruce, Emerald Green Arborvitae, 18-44 in., $12-$21. David Gabriel, Elon 336-260-1298.
Potted muscadine & scuppernong vines, 5-6 ft., healthy, planting instr. incld, $25. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.
Cockscomb seeds, huge blossom head, crimson color, 18 in. stalk, about 200 seeds, SASE & $3 cash. Barry Cox, 6225 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.
Supplies for Sale
3-panel cement fence, approx. +/- 200 ft., $3/ft. Tommy Sink, Lexington 336-787-5996.
Porter 2-head shaper, 3-phase 240v, $600; Ecco #18 flapper sander, 3-phase 240v, $100. Westinghouse 125hp 3-phase motor, $1,000; Dayton 7.5hp capacitor start, 230v, $400. Eddie Moretz, Deep Gap 828-963-0883.
Fairbanks platform scales, cast iron, EC, $450. Dale Pardue, Hamptonville
120 ft. of chain link fence, 4 ft. high privacy screen, 36, 44 & 48 in. gates, all poles & hardware, $350 obo. David Gwaltney, Taylorsville 828-850-9543.
200+ NOS Rainbird, Optima & Water Whiz sprinkler heads & controller, $100. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704 528-9369.
Custom-built hutches for rabbits/sm animals, 7 x 4 x 2 ½, stands on removable wooden legs 3 ft. off ground, $1,200; 2-hutch combo, $900. Johanna Johnson, Mebane 919-210-6315.
2 red oak logs dried on stump, 2 ft. dia. at butt, 40 ft. long, cut, trimmed, on ground, easy access, free. Eli Copeland, Graham 336-290-2200.
Water totes, 275 gal., $75; metal & plastic drums, $10; burning barrels, $10; feed barrels w/lids & rings, $20. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
Myers shallow well pump w/regulator, 1hp, EC, $175. Jack Matthews, Charlotte 704-846-1903.
New & used water pumps, GC, $300; water barrel, GC, $100. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
Trucks & Trailers for Sale
Special built trailer to haul draft team & wagon in the same trailer, 2 winches do all the work, $12,500. Will Hill, Winston-Salem 336-399-5083.
1995 Texas Bragg flatbed trailer, 16 ft., tandem axle, elect. brakes, $2,400. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704-528-9369.
2014 Polaris RZR800, $7,500. David Valentine, Kernersville 336-971-6448.
36 ft. gooseneck trailer, $3,000 nego. Mark Harris, Graham 336-567-5854.
1999 Star 3-horse trailer, all alum., GC, new tires & awning; weekend pkg w/shower, toilet & A/C, $15,000. Kim Lloyd, Graham 336-260-6159.
2017 JD 835M gator, 365 hrs., GC, still in use, $12,900. Ken McDowell, Asheboro 336-302-9225.
Stock trailer, homemade, 10x6, 2-axle, hvy duty metal frame, no title; loaded w/35 bales of hay, $1,250. Audie Sprinkle, Hiddenite 828-632-7550.
2001 4-Star 2-horse trailer, slant load, gooseneck, used little, always sheltered, EC, $9,500. Dan Fritz, Bahama 919-740-5533.
2024 Calico stock 16 ft., cut gate, bumper pull, $8,995. YD Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.
4-wheel trailer, 13x6x6.5, 2-axle, tilt bed, GC, $1,700. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
1990 Ford F-150, straight drive, 6 cyl., 8 ft. bed, runs well, paint rough, $2,400. John Post, Vale 704-530-0572, call or text.
2023 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, never used, $9,850. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
1992 Intl 4900, 466 eng, 6 spd, 232,000 mi, used as helicopter batch truck; no herb, 1,500 water, 300 mix, $19,500. Steve Willis, Elizabethtown 910-876-2519.
July 2024 Classifieds
Bees & Supplies for Sale
Beeswax, strained, 19 lbs., $190; smoker, $25; other items. Jim Robbins, Snow Camp 336-565-8499.
Local honey, pure, $16/qt. Johnny Carwile, Lincolnton 704-748-3258.
Radial elect. honey extractor, 24-frame, stainless steel, used 1 season, $800 firm. Clara Carroll, Youngsville 919-201-1017.
Radial extractor, 8-frame shallow or med., all stainless, 120v variable speed, ball bearings top & bottom, all welded, $1,200. Ken Medlin, Hurdle Mills 336-364-1915.
Farm Equipment for Sale
IH rear cult springs, pair of 2, $150; IH rear cult bars, pair of 2, $250; 6v generator off IH, $100; 6v hvy duty battery, $25. Thomas Locklear, Laurinburg 910-384-3819.
NH 479 haybine, 9 ft., rollers/roller bearings replaced, gear box needs repair, $1,500; NH 718 silage chopper, 2-row corn head, grain head, needs repair, $1,000. Glenn Sheets, Lexington 336-596-6617, call/text.
JD 953 barge grain wagon, grain door, rear hitch, hyd hoist, recently painted wooden sides, 12’Lx8’Wx4.5’H, $3,150. George Lee, Clayton 919-369-3855.
GP 1300 no-till drill, 10 ft., bought new 2016, less than 100 planted ac, $28,000. Evan Myers, Winston Salem 336-242-3911, emyers1@triad.rr.com.
JD 16-disc 3pt harrow, $500; 500 lb. steel 3pt PTO spreader, $600; 3pt drum spike aerator, $500. John Fox, Browns Summit 336-656-3964.
1-row seeder, hand-push type, 6 plates, $30. Jim Robbins, Snow Camp 336-565-8499.
JD riding mower, 25hp, 54 in. cut, 180 hrs., $2,500. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
1994 Troy-Bilt horse tiller, 7hp Briggs cast iron 1-C eng, elect. start, selective trans, used little, EC, new hiller furrower, manual, $1,650. Earl Hammock, Eden 336-635-1110.
Landscape rake, 6 ft., 360-degree swivel, 3 pt, $550; CountyLine 500 fert/seed spreader, 3 pt, PTO, $600; other items. Noble Hinshaw, Siler City 919-663-0477.
New 4 ft. pulverizer, $1,230; Cat. box blade, 6 ft., $995; hiller w/layoff plow, $500; pull-type plugger, 4 ft., $775; 6 ft. pulverizer, $975. Chris Witherspoon, Valdese 828-381-6857.
1975 Ford 2000, gas, 6-spd, 3hp, 540 PTO, no ps, turf tires, doesn't smoke/use oil, $3,500. Harold Wright, Shelby 864-838-4763.
Post hole digger, 9 in. auger, 3 pt, GC, $425; Sitrex hay tedder, 2-basket, needs tires, GC, sheltered, $900. George Boger, Mocksville 336-998-4795.
Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; scoop pan, 3 pt, GC, $200. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
Bucyrus Erie 22B cable crane, $2,500; clam shell bucket, $1,000; pole driver, $1,000; $4,000/all. Bruce Tilley, Mt. Airy 336-351-3337.
NH 853 rnd baler, makes 5x5 bales, $1,000; 18 ft. hay elevator, $500. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
Long 350 tractor, good eng & tires, noisy rear end, $1,500; AC UD-40 tractor, good eng & tires, lift problems, $1,200. Jake Brewer, Clemmons 336-766-4100.
Gear box for rotary cutter, will fit side winder 5x5, $350. Larry Carson, Crumpler 336-620-4700.
Ford 1-row corn picker, $1,000. Jesse Gentry, Mocksville 336-998-3423.
Case IH 485 diesel tractor, w/2250 loader, GC, good tires, kept under shed, $12,000. Robert Blake, Mt. Gilead 704-242-3028.
Trailer hitch adapter for a 100-140 Farmall fast hitch, LN, $60. Roger Drum, Statesville 704-880-7006.
Implements for sm tractor w/3 pt hitch; 2-bottom plow, cult, 6 ft. doub disc, GC, $600; D8-H Cat dozer, straight tilt blade, everything works, $25,000. Paul Price, Goldston 336-337-5334.
(2) IPT irrig pumps w/fittings & 2 in. filter, rated up to 130 GPM, GC, $1,400; BCS BIO-80 chipper/shredder for BCS or Grillo walk-behind, EC, $975. Ray Tuegel, King 336-994-2517.
Alum. elevators, $1,200 & up; gravity boxes, $1,500 & up; corn baggers, $1,500 & up; 4-row uni-pickers, $20,000 & up. Bobby Brannan, Sanford 919-770-1353.
Befco Hurricane H40-S60 flail mower, hammer knives, hyd offset, rear or front mount, CL/CCL rotation, new, mowed less than 5 ac, $5,300. S. Darstein, Pfafftown 336-829-1265.
NH 477 haybine, working cond, 7 ft. cut, $1,200. Joseph Greble, Richfield 704-433-1774.
1998 NH 3930 tractor, 4wd, no additional attach., GC, $12,500. Ashley Hughes, Ash 910-398-0654.
MF 240, 46hp, 1,200 hrs.; Bush Hog brand 2426 QT loader, 5 ft. bucket, EC, LN, $10,000. Buck Melton, Monroe 704-292-0497.
Kubota B6100E tractor, w/48 in. bush hog, $4,000 obo. David Christenbury, Harrisburg 919-633-0931.
2020 JD 60D mower deck for JD 1025R sub-compact tractor, auto-connect, less than 60 hrs., w/load & go ramp, $2,200. Lanie Wall, Mocksville 336-650-6939.
JD 6620 Titan II combine, 4wd, w/915 header, EC, $17,000; Case Ecolo-Til 2500, EC, new, $15,000. Fran Marshall, High Point 336-457-0055, call or text.
1972 AC roto baler, new belts, $1,600; 1964 Ferguson 50, $4,200; 1955 Ford 740 row crop, restored, $6,500. Fred Hamby, Pinnacle 336-325-2425.
MH Pony used eng parts, starter, flywheel, oil pan, etc., $5-$100. John Huskey, Hillsborough 919-644-0136.
NH 1069 bale wagon, very clean, sheltered, 460 gas eng, 5,280 hrs., 8-spd, $20,000. R. G. Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.
NH 256 hay rake, VGC, $1,500. Lindsay Tapp, Efland 336-260-5415.
Plugger aerator for riding mower, 48 in., flat-free tires, $250; seeder spiker for riding mower, flat-free tires, $170; implement wgts, 25/150 lbs., 2 in. hole, $150. G. Stowe, Burlington 336-675-0466.
Farm Equipment Wanted
Farmall B or BN tractor, prefer good shape. Thomas Payne, Marshall 828-284-2239, text only.
Pair JD rear wheel wgts for lrg disc wheels, M926T/AM904T; JD 60 child's pedal tractor, type 2, front/back gusset seat brackets, sq tab rear axles. Tommie Beeding, Winston Salem 336-945-3928.
Ford 309 corn planter plates; corn, beans, sorghum & filler plates; Ford 309 corn planters for parts. Charles Chamelin, Kernersville 336-769-4418.
AC 333 no till planter/planter parts. Jack Simpson, Todd 704-242-0763.
4 used tires, (2) 5.00x15 & (2) 11.2x24; willing to travel to pick up if needed. Richard Moody, Hickory 828-493-9945.
Old wagon wheel, wood or metal, in decent shape. J. Johnson, Saxapahaw 336-214-4505 or 512-6682.
Farm Labor for Sale
Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, $85/hr. + deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.
Cattle artificial insemination, no farm too small, $50-$150. Keith Parson, Sanford
919-410-6046, Cowbreeder1022@outlook.com.
Elect. fence box repair, ssc, tsc, $20/hr. Bobby Nichols, N. Wilkesboro 336-927-2850.
Farmland for Sale
11 ac Alexander co, paved rd frontage, co water, presently ag crops & forestry; perfect for mini farm, homestead, hunting, $160,000. Hendal Price, Greensboro 336-404-0594.
Hay & Grain for Sale
2024 fescue, 4x5 rnd, approx. 650 lbs., $50/bale; 2023 fescue, $5/sq bale; rnd, $35/bale. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
Coastal Bermuda hay, 10/23 cut, horse quality, 75 bales avail, out of barn, $5.50/bale; 2024 horse quality hay, out of field, will help load, $8/bale. Gary White, Sanford 919-775-9769.
Orchard grass/fescue mix, 1st cutting, horse quality, 4x5 rnd, no weeds or rain, sheltered, local deliv avail, $50/rl. Jay Hohn, Archdale 336-289-3686.
Peanut hay, 4x5 rnd, net wrapped, shelter kept, can deliv anywhere 42 bales/load, $40/bale. Larry Bullock, Greenville 252-883-4748.
Orchard grass hay, 2024 cut, good quality, no rain, $9/sq bale. Kenneth Chilton, Pilot Mtn 336-374-2410 or 399-1973.
2024 mixed grass hay, horse quality, no rain, min. purchase 20 bales, $6/sq bale. Vernon Hill, Mt. Pleasant 980-621-5091.
Bermuda hay, top quality, sq bales, stored, clean, no weeds, rain, litter or preservatives, deliv avail, $7.50 ea. cash or Zelle only. Victoria Rehder, Lillington 910-964-0087.
1st cut hay, 2024 fescue, 4x5 rnd, $60 ea.; sm sq bales, $7 ea.; orchard grass, sm sq, $9 ea.; orchard mix, 4x5 rnd, $70 ea. Johnny Harrison, Salisbury 704-213-0857.
2024 fescue, sq bales, $6.50 ea.; 4 ft. rnd, $30/bale. WD Wood, Denton 919-302-0549.
Fescue hay, $6 ea.; rnd bales, $50 ea. T.C. Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.
Fescue/orchard grass, $6/sq bale. Sylvia Reid, Welcome 336-731-4015.
Fescue hay, $5/sq bale. Marvin Hill, Lexington 336-764-2244.
Horse quality orchard grass/fescue, $50/rnd bale; orchard grass, $7/sq bale; mixed grass cow hay, $35/rnd bale. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.
Horse quality hay, deliv avail, $50/rl. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Horses & Supplies for Sale
Pasture board horses, N. Orange co, off hwy 86, private/group pastures, high tensile wire, local trails or retirement horses, $150/mo/horse. Richard Lockamy, Cedar Grove 919-619-5482.
Livestock for Sale
Midsize Highland bull, naturally polled, dun colored, gentle disposition, curly haired, IMCBR reg #9265, DNA incld, chondro negative, dam is Bella of Cyrus Ridge, $1,500. Skip Mabe, Asheboro 910-220-0928.
2 ND does, tri-colored, dob 4/24;1 ND buck, blk & white, dob 5/24, $150 ea. Donald Edge, Hope Mills 910-425-5335 or 988-5748.
Nubian/Boer cross kids, bucklings, $100; doelings, $125. Kyle Almond, New London 704-463-5988.
Reg NZ Kiko bucks, $400 & up; (5) Kiko cross doelings, $250 & up; (4) proven, crossbred nannies, 3 y/o, $250 & up. David Morton, Norwood 704-474-9369 or 467-5616.
Reg Katahdin ewes & rams, $300-$400. Mark Mills, Peachland 704-254-5724.
Reg polled Hereford heifers, $1,500-$2,000. Robert Blake, Mt. Gilead 704-242-3028.
Boer goats, healthy, $200-$300. Heather Davis, Greensboro 336-420-7470.
10 reg Angus heifers, dob fall 2023, weaned & vaccs, bred for calving ease & efficiency, $2,000. Steve McPherson, Snow Camp 336-263-6042.
ND goats, rotational pasture raised, all ages, kids, adults, blue eyes/great colors, $125-$200. Rob Welborn, Trinity 336-688-0369.
Santa Gertrudis cattle, calves, $900 & up; replacement cows, $1,800 & up; young bulls, $1,200 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.
St. Croix rams reg, dob 12/22 & 05/23, grass fed & no worming, $350 ea. R. Harrell, Salisbury 704-224-9969.
San Clemente Island goats, (4) doelings & (3) bucklings, CDT current, reg w/SCIGBA, DNA parent verification, $400-$450. Marguerite Strand, Spring Lake 910-584-5025.
Kiko/Savanna cross kids, dob 4/24; adult does, yearlings-7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $150-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.
St. Croix ewes, reg, $450 ea.; St. Croix rams, $350 ea. Valerie Cockerham, Yadkinville 336-416-2240.
Fainting buck, dob 12/21/23, brown & white, healthy, tame, $100. Dodd Linker, Clemons 336-712-2484.
Polled Hereford heifer & Blk Baldy, $2.50/lb. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.
Livestock Wanted
Nubian buck for stud, to breed doe in Oct/Nov, un-reg is ok. Chelsea Thomas, Walnut Cove 336-817-1502, texts preferred.
Sm boar for breeding. Jerry Creech, Four Oaks 919-524-0382, call or text.
Small Animals for Sale
Baby rabbits, 6-10 w/o, assorted colors, $10 ea. Walter Kyles, Woodleaf 704-278-9572.
Poultry & Supplies for Sale
Red Gold & Lady Amherst pheasants, Ring Neck pheasants, 3 types of quail, $75/pr.
Jerry McGhinnis, Sugar Grove 336-317-3365.
California, Silver California, Bluescales, Gambel's, 8 varieties of bobwhites; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-888-0213.
(11) tunnel fan motors, 1 ½ hp, $35 ea.; (3) Little Giant #8 sump pumps, $35 ea.; (12) winches, $10 ea. Roy Brown, Wallace 910-271-1203.
Australian blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy Shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.
1 y/o peafowl, (1) India blue male, (1) blk shoulder female, (2) India blue females; peacock chicks, 1 w/o, $35 & up. Richard Simmons, Clarendon 910-640-7114.
Poultry & Supplies Wanted
American blk saddlebackfantail & silver saddleback fantail. Larry Matthews, Warsaw 910-293-7840.
Dark Cornish bantams, w/pearl eyes, w/in 50 mi of High Point/Winston Salem. Joe Muse, High Point 336-869-7734.
Seeds & Plants for Sale
Sunflower seeds, old timey type w/huge 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.
Rabbiteye blueberry plants, 2 y/o, lrg, healthy, Climax, Tifblue, Premier, Powderblue, Brightwell, $10 ea. Michael Roberson, Trinity 336-862-3488.
Clemson spineless okra, fresh, $60/bu. Mitch Fields, Lumberton 910-740-4196.
Potted muscadine plants, 5-6 ft. tall, healthy, planting & fert instr incld, $25 ea. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.
Supplies for Sale
12 pcs PVC, 1 ¼ in. x 20 ft., schedule 40, $8 ea. Roy Brown, Wallace 910-271-1203.
3-panel cement fence, approx. +/- 200 ft., $3/ft. Tommy Sink, Lexington 336-787-5996.
Water totes, $75; metal & plastic drums, $10; burning barrels, $10; feed barrels, $20. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
Myers shallow well pump, 1hp, w/regulator, EC, $175. Jack Matthews, Charlotte 704-846-1903.
Farm fuel tanks, $250; parts washer, $250; (2) alum. 12 ft. load ramps, $900; snap-on toolboxes, $800; Yale chain hoist, $200. N. Lee, Advance 336-998-8922, nights.
New & used water pumps, $250; water barrel, GC, $200. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
NOS Rainbird, Optima & Water Whiz sprinkler heads & controller, 200+ avail, $100. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704-528-9369.
Old tobacco knife cutter, by Reading Hardware Co. VGC, $100. Gary Williams, Granite Falls 828-493-2461.
150 ft. of 4 ft. chain link fence, w/all hardware, $500 obo; 120 ft. 3-rail vinyl fencing, w/rails, posts, caps, $500 obo. Alice Davis, Salisbury 704-855-4930.
Supplies Wanted
Locust split rails. David Cunningham, Columbus 979-219-3032.
Trucks & Trailers for Sale
Steel livestock trailer, $800. John Fox, Browns Summit 336-656-3964.
Theiman truck lift gate, 3,000 lbs., EC, $2,000. Eddie Moretz, Deep Gap 828-963-0883.
4-wheel trailer, 13x6x6.5, 2-axle, tilt bed, GC, $1,800. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
Metal truck bed, 18 ft., $1,000. Bruce Tilley, Mt. Airy 336-351-3337.
1995 Texas Bragg tandem axle flatbed trailer, 16 ft., $2,400. Duane Kirschenman, Winston-Salem 704-528-9369.
Kaufman trailer, 20 ft., ramps, flatbed, dovetail 10,000 lb., extra tie-downs, 7-ton side crank jack, little use, GC, $4,400 obo. David Simonson, Statesville 704-450-7335.
1973 Chevy C60, 14 ft. dump, $3,000; 1978 C65 GMC, 12 ft. dump, 42 in. sides, $3,500. John Hinson, Asheboro 336-302-0398.
1999 Ford F-350 Super Duty XLT, 2wd, dually, 7.3 diesel, 90,500 mi, VGC, horse hauler, $20,000. Craig Cooper, Wake Forest 919-414-6923 or 414-5108.
Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., cut gate, bumper pull, $8,995. Y.D. Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.
Alum. camper shell, white, clamps, for full size 8 ft. bed, fair cond., paint faded, $300. David Pearsall, Snow Camp 336-376-9431.
2005 Chevy Colorado p/u, 4-dr., 192,000 mi, VGC, 1 owner, $8,900. Wayne Jones, Walstonburg 252-236-6090.
Flatbed trailers, 45 & 48 ft., new bed, ideal for hauling rnd bales, $5,000 ea. R.G. Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.
2023 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, $10,450. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Trucks & Trailers Wanted
WW2 Halftruck, complete or parts, made by White, Autocar, Diamond T or Intl; used postwar in ag & forestry. Robert Harrison, Salisbury 704-202-3301.
June 2024 Classifieds
5-frame nucs, in waxed cardboard nuc box, $195; complete hives, $440. Sam Bolick, Concord 704-795-3900.
Local queens, $30; 5-frame nucs, $165. Garry Whitley, Albemarle 704-982-0698.
Local pure wildflower honey, $16/qt. Michele Carlise, Lincolnton 704-748-3258.
'49 Super A, runs/drives, rebuilt mag, w/2-bottom plow & 23 in. middle buster, $2,000; '53 Super A, w/Henderson loader, 3 pt, new clutch, $3,000. Jo Pipkin, Trenton 252-361-1902.
1949 AC-B, w/cults & plow, GC, used last yr., $2,500. Eric Craver, King 336-413-5593, text.
F3 gleaner combine,13 ft. grain head, 4-row corn head, diesel, low hrs., EC, $15,000. Dennis Overcash, Mooresville 704-902-3714.
GMD land plane w/rippers, 5 ft., EC, $1,400. Tony Thomas, Randleman 336-267-5534.
(2) Oliver horse-drawn mowing machines, $200 ea.; Woods 6000 finish mower, $1,500; 5 ft. Agri-cutter bush hog, $150. Dale Blackwelder, Mocksville 336-655-9154.
2016 Great Plains 1300 grain drill, less than 100 planting ac, sheltered, LN, doesn’t have sm seed box, used to sow soybeans, $28,000. Evan Myers, Winston Salem 336-242-3911.
New PTO shaft for a tractor, $150. Kenneth Peeler, Gold Hill 704-223-2361.
Hay spike, 3 pt, GC, $150; 3 pt scoop pan, GC, $200. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
Ferguson T0-30 tractor, 12v, GC, $1,800; Hardee boom sprayer, new pump & tank, 65-gal., 3 pt, $750. Jimmy Frye, Carthage 910-947-5910.
Ford 555-D backhoe & front end loader, 2 ft. & 3 ft. wide buckets, forks, $15,000. Roy Scarboro, Archdale 336-431-7359.
JD 2350, new rear tires, 4 outlets on back, 3,590 hrs., everything works, $12,000. Brian Brown, Locust 980-521-8497.
King Kutter bush hog, 5 ft., FC, works fine, $200. James Knight, Greensboro 336-643-5116.
Ford 420 industrial loader tractor, w/big litter bucket, box blade, $5,000. David Gwaltney, Taylorsville 828-850-9543.
18-gal. sprayer, on rubber tires, $150. Andy Brown, Rockwell 704-279-2791.
1941 Oliver 90, good paint, steel wheels w/cleats, cranks & runs good, $4,000. Don Bennett, Pinnacle 336-351-2893.
Bush Hog 2345QT loader, joystick control, bucket, attaching brackets, EC, $2,500. Steve McCauley, Mebane 336-263-2823.
1955 Cub, completely restored, plows, single hitch, $6,000. Leve Moore Jr., Williamston 252-799-1921.
1994 Troy-Bilt horse tiller, Briggs 7hp cast iron eng, elect. start, selective trans, used little, EC; new hiller furrower, manual, $1,650. Earl Hammock, Eden 336-635-1110.
Craftsman garden tractors, 50 in., 20hp; 44 in., 18hp; plows, cults, etc. for garden; 18hp for parts, $1,500. Jesse Underwood, Durham 919-724-5318.
Sickle mower for garden tractor, $250; Bush Hog garden tractor, V-47, $350; Kohler motors, 16hp, $200-$300. Randall Adams, Stanley 704-747-0062.
Befco fert spreader, model 16-212-121, 3 pt, $650. Rod Tomberlin, Oakboro 704-485-3954.
JD 3032E tractor, 4x4, loader, 245 hrs., bush hog, 7x16 elect. brake trailer, tandem axle, $20,000. Charles Waddell, Thomasville 336-309-6603.
NH 853 rnd baler, 5x5, $1,000; 18 ft. hay elevator, $500. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
1944 Ferguson, 6-spd, GC, all orig., $1,500. Boyd Burr, Denton 336-257-0985.
(2) NH haybines, #4722 & 471, $1,600; (2) NH rakes, #55 & 56, $1,400. Jimmy Wilson, Lincolnton 704-740-5475.
Seed planter, 1-row, push type, 6 seed discs, $25. Jim Robbins, Snow Camp 336-565-8499.
Tricycle tractor, model FC, been sitting, $2,500 or trade. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
JD 730 diesel, elect. start, $7,500. Bobby Harkey, Locust 704-436-6887.
Ford 6610 tractor, w/Dunham loader, motor stuck, $4,500. Bennett Bradley, Tarboro 252-230-0460.
NH 256 rolabar rake, side deliv, $2,600; 2012 Kuhn tedder, fold out, 4 baskets, $6,300; NH 648 rnd baler, 4x5, $7,000. Jeff Meacham, Archdale 336-250-1732 or Linda Meacham, 336-431-6549.
JD M, 40, 1010S parts, wavy rear rims, $100-$300; front ends, 1010 trans, $200; other items. Guy Hiniker, Oxford 919-815-0268, guyhiniker@embarqmail.com.
2019 Frontier bush hog, 5 ft., hvy duty, LN, used twice, sheltered, $1,400. Bill Stirewalt, Mt. Pleasant 704-467-0273, bill1929nc@gmail.com.
1975 Intl 140 tractor, GC, $5,600; Cole corn planter, 1 pt, GC, $700. Ernest Pinnix, Eden 336-627-9303.
JD 420 tractor, cults, fert dist, $3,000; 1-row JD corn planter, $300; pallet forklift, 3 pt, $300; 1-row Powell tobacco planter, $300. Alex Vernon, Stoneville 336-207-5730.
MF 35 tractor, live PTO, $2,800;rebuilt water pump for 600 or 800 tractor, $20;rebuilt crankshaft for MF 35 or 135, $125. Bill Way, Gibsonville 336-312-8329.
NH haybines, 1 works, 1 for parts, extra bar, new knives, $600. Errol Long, Hamptonville 336-244-6260.
Case Intl tractor w/loader, 15 ft. Woods batwing finish mower, $16,000/all; Ford 550 tractor loader, trans has trouble, $7,000. Phil Smith, Gibsonville 336-908-6755.
Sitrex 8-wheel rake, working cond, $400. M.G. Welborn, Boonville 336-816-4700.
Headgate, catch and release, LN, $250. Jackie Whittington, Purlear 336-877-9870.
JD 1010 tractor, 4 cyl gas burner, new rear tires, $4,000. Woody Dunham, Albemarle 336-782-8035.
5 ft. bush hog, 3 pt, $500. Roy Duncan, Greensboro 336-674-5973.
Older David Brown tractor, hvy duty boom lift, strong hyd lift system, new rear tire, used recently, $1,900. Donald Wright, Denver 704-483-5949.
NH 575 sq baler, EC, sheltered, $15,000; NH 1069 bale wagon, sheltered, low hrs., EC, $20,000. R.G. Hammonds, Lumberton 910-734-2991.
1964 Farmall 140, new brake bands, 6 pieces of equip, GC, 1 owner, $4,800. Eddie Davis, Seagrove 336-879-3509.
9-shank tillage tool, 3 pt, $350. Fred Mock, East Bend 336-467-1617.
Ford hay rake, $350; Ford 2-basket tedder, $250; other misc. cattle items. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.
863 Bobcat, approx. 2,500 hrs., 40% tires, air-cooled diesel eng, still in use, does not use oil, $15,900. Barry McSwain, Norwood 704-985-3751.
Ford 309 corn planter plates; corn, beans, sorghum & filler plates; Ford 309 corn planters for parts. Charles Chamelin, Kernersville 336-769-4418.
Gravely 18-G professional or 16-G; Craftsman DYS 4500 mower. Joe Woody, Morganton 828-334-0473.
NH 472 moco, GC; spring tooth harrow, 7-8 in. wide. Ron Peters, Reidsville 336-280-6111.
AC 5050 tractor for parts; NH sq baler for parts, model 68, any cond. Lathan Ostwalt, Statesville 704-450-6534.
824 corn header or 722 corn header for 718 NH harvester, must be field ready. Norris McConnell, Mt. Ulla 704-431-9321, no calls on Sunday.
MF corn head, 4-row 1144 or 2-3 row, for parts or working cond. Kevin Ray, Nakina 910-840-1178, call or text.
AC-D10 tractor, series III, 3 pt; not running okay, reasonable price. David Lloyd, Wake Forest 984-218-2566.
4-in-1 bucket for front end loader, 60 in. wide. Mark Lowe, Gastonia 704-258-1103.
Vert & horiz mowing, ponds, dams, shooting lanes, reclaiming property, fence lines, $85/hr. + deliv of equip. Roger McKenzie, Jackson Springs 910-528-2293.
Tractor & skid steer work in Gaston, Cleveland, Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Union & Cabarrus co, bush hogging, clearing, plowing, planting, hunting lease upkeep & improvements, shooting lanes, $60/hr.Mark Lowe, Gastonia 704-258-1103.
Coastal Bermuda hay, 4x4 rnd, horse quality, stored under shelter, $50/bale. Dan Lancaster, Pikeville 919-222-6853.
Fescue-orchard grass, millet, oats & rye grass, native grasses, sq bales, $5.50-$6; rnd bales, $45-$50. Kyle Almond, New London 704-463-5988.
2024 fescue, 4x5 rnd, approx. 650 lbs., $50/bale; 2023 sq bales, $5/bale; rnd bales, $35/bale. Ronnie Brogden, Creedmoor 919-528-1767.
Fescue hay, sq bales, $6 ea.; rnd bales, $50 ea. T.C. Berrier, Lexington 336-764-1051.
Fescue hay, approx. 225 sq bales avail., clean, no rain, good quality, $6/bale. Edna Gibson, Climax 336-824-8544.
Horse quality hay, deliv avail, $50/rl. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Orchard grass/fescue, horse quality, rnd bales, $50 ea.; orchard grass, sq bales, $7 ea.; cow hay, rnd bales, $35 ea. Johnny Sowers, Lexington 336-239-3020.
2024 mixed grass hay, horse quality, no rain, min. purchase 20 bales, $6/sq bale. Vernon Hill, Mt. Pleasant 980-621-5091.
10/23 Coastal Bermuda hay, 120 bales avail, horse quality, out of barn, $5.50/bale;
2024 horse quality hay, out of field, will help load, $8/bale. Gary White, Sanford 919-775-9769.
Orchard grass-fescue hay, horse quality, soft, no weeds, barn stored, '23 spring, $9/bale; ’22 fall, $8/bale; fescue, $7/bale; 4x5 rnd, $45-$60/bale; all under shelter. Bettie Carroll, Walkertown 336-414-6845.
Spring cut fescue & orchard grass mixed hay, in barn, $7/bale. Dillon Pinnix, Reidsville 336- 587-9042.
2024 fescue, sq bales, $7; 4 ft. rnd, $30. WD Wood, Denton 919-302-0549.
Fescue, 4x5 rnd, barn kept, $45/bale. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.
11 ac Alexander co, paved rd frontage, presently ag crops & forestry, good for hunting, mini farm, or horse, $160,000. Hendal Price, Greensboro 336-404-0594.
Hayland for rent, 19-20 ac, sm bales, $5/bale; lrg bales, $6/bale. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
73.2 ac Surry co, water, wildlife, close to Pilot Mtn., $4,400/ac. Larry Blackburn, Advance 336-608-0552.
Midsize Highland bull, naturally polled, dun colored, gentle disposition, curly haired, IMCBR reg #9265, DNA incld, chondro negative, dam is Bella of Cyrus Ridge, $1,500. Skip Mabe, Asheboro 910-220-0928.
Simmental & SimAngus herd bulls, blk, polled, bred for calving ease, muscle, growth & disposition, $3,000-$3,500; select group of coming 2 y/o avail. William Pyle, Franklinton 919-215-5677.
Fainting goats, $150 & up. Joan Culberson, Snow Camp 919-259-6139.
Polled Hereford heifer, $2.50/lb.; bred cows, $1.50/lb. Randy Davis, Elon 336-263-8163.
Nubian goats, does, $300;bucks, $200. Billy Joyner, Midland 704-622-2089.
Kiko/Savanna cross kids, dob 4/24, avail 7/1; adult does, yearlings to 7 y/o, established, quality bloodlines, healthy, hardy, easy keepers, $150-$300. David Ward, Burlington 336-266-1457.
Santa Gertrudis cattle, calves, $900 & up; replacement cows, $1,800 & up; young bulls, $1,200 & up. Charles O’Bryant III, Reidsville 336-908-0276.
Kiko buck 3 y/o, strong build, good color, good herd sire, $350. R.A. Eaton, East Bend 336-793-6500.
Reg Angus heifers, weaned, vaccs, 10 avail, $2,000; Angus bulls, ready for service, bred for calving ease & efficiency, recent BSE, $3,000. Steve McPherson, Snow Camp 336-263-6043.
Chicken crates, 3 wood, 1 plastic, $50 ea. Bobbie Thomas, Seagrove 336-879-4145.
California, Silver California, bluescales, Gambel's, 8 varieties of bobwhite; partridge, Philby, chukar, Hungarians, $6 & up. Jimmy Furr, Stanfield 704-888-0213.
Guinea keets, $3.50-$4 ea. Charles Moore, West End 910-639-6430, text.
Pair of white peacocks, $300; pair of blk shoulders, $250. Posie Guthrie, Pfafftown 336-413-0038.
Chickens, good layers, $15. Ryan Luthy, Union Grove 336-468-6597.
Australian blk swans & Mute swans, $600 & up; Cape Barren geese, $600 & up; Ruddy shelducks, $150 & up. Jim Simpson, Indian Trail 704-361-6497.
2023 peafowl, 3 females, 1 male, $130 & up; taking orders for 2024 peacock chicks, $35 & up. Richard Simmons, Clarendon 910-640-7114.
Sunflower seeds, old timey type w/huge 12-14 lb. flower, 15-18 in. diameter, SASE & $3/25 seeds; $5/50 seeds. N. Smoot, 6227 Welborn Rd, Trinity, NC 27370.
Sorghum cane seed, late orange variety, freezer kept, untreated for weeds & grasses, $10/lb. Larry Stout, Waynesville 828-400-1550.
Blueberry plants, 2 y/o, lrg, healthy, Rabbiteye, Climax, Tifblue, Premier, Powderblue, Brightwell, $10 ea. Michael Roberson, Trinity 336-862-3488.
Potted muscadine plants, several varieties, 4-5 ft., planting & fert instr incld, $25. Bob Whitaker, Mocksville 336-469-4822, do not text.
Blueberry plants, Premier, Columbus, Brightwell, Powderblue & Tifblue, 1 gl. size, $4/ea.; 3 gl. size, $15/ea. Michael Crippen, Garland 910-529-1469.
Giant Flemish bucks & does, $30. James Madden, Raeford 910-875-5349.
Worm Cafe vermi-composter, 3-tier, $100. Bobbie Thomas, Seagrove 336-879-4145.
New & used water pumps, GC, $300; water barrel, GC, $100. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
120 ft. of chain link fence, 4 ft. high, w/privacy screen, 36 in., 44 in. & 48 in. gates, all poles & hardware, $350. David Gwaltney, Taylorsville 828-850-9543.
Metal & plastic drums, $10 ea.; burning barrels, $10; feed barrels w/lids & rings, $20; water totes, $75. Jeff Brittain, Hickory 828-327-4782.
Timber, oak, cedar pine, red oak logs; tobacco sticks, tomato stakes, 14 ft. load split firewood, $1-$900. N. Lee, Advance 336-998-8922, nights.
Cedar fence posts, 8 ft., $7. Ben Luthy, Union Grove 336-468-6597.
Diesel tank, 250-gal., stand, hose, nozzle. $50. Bill Stirewalt, Mt. Pleasant 704-467- 0273, bill1929nc@gmail.com.
Flex suction hose & strainer, 4 in. x 25 ft.-5 ft., $125; fuel tank for truck, 25+ gal., $75; Hobart irrig. pump, w/Wisconsin eng, VG4D, $400. Alex Vernon, Stoneville 336-207-5730.
Firewood logs, deliv w/in 25 mi of Denton, $85. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.
150 ft. of 4 ft. chain link fence, w/posts, top railing, clamps, 4 ft. gate, $500; 120 ft. of 3-rail vinyl fencing, w/rails, posts, caps, $500 obo. Alice Davis, Salisbury 704-855-4930.
Fairbanks platform scales, cast iron, EC, $450. Dale Pardue, Hamptonville 336-468-2038.
4-wheel trailer, 13x6x6.5, 2-axle, tilt bed, GC, $1,800. J. Lloyd Mabe, Danbury 336-703-8232.
1982 Ford F-350 dump truck, 12 ft. bed, 38,000 mi, shed kept, GC, $8,500. Steve McCauley, Mebane 336-263-2823.
2023 Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., gooseneck, $9,850; 12 ft. stock trailer, $6,750. H.O. Davis, Elon 336-260-7606.
Calico stock trailer, 16 ft., bumper pull, cut gate, $8,995. Y.D. Saul, Elon 336-213-6292.
Livestock trailer, pull behind, 16 ft., $3,500. Mike Luxton, Lumberton 910-739-2534.
Flat head V8 motor, w/truck frame, cond unknown, $500. David Lomax, Denton 336-688-5313.
Low-boy or car hauler trailer. Joe Woody, Morganton 828-334-0473.
IH 4-door travelette or p/u truck, rear bed not important as I will be pulling gooseneck hay trailer. Duke Harrell, Eure 252-333-0222, text or call.