Soil & Water - Recorded Trainings
A collection of training modules (videos and narrated presentations) focused on building the capabilities of local districts and helping them understand their responsibilities as entities of local government. These tools are designed to be used for self paced training, one on one facilitated training, or as part of local district board meetings. If seeking Supervisor Training Credits, these should be viewed in a group setting; please contact your Regional Coordinator for details.
Tab/Accordion Items
- NC Soil and Water Conservation Partnership - A video presentation series providing an overview of how soil and water conservation districts partner with other agencies and organizations to conserve our natural resources. This series is divided into four 15-20 minute modules.
- The Legal Basis for Districts - A video presentation describing the roles and responsibilities of soil and water conservation districts and the authorities of district supervisors established in NC General Statute 139. This 30-minute video is divided into several brief chapters. The series was produced and narrated by Richard Whisnant of the UNC School of Government.
- Understanding the NC Open Meetings Law - A 19-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation that provides specifically applicable guidance to districts on the NC Open Meetings Law.
- Diversity in a Changing World - The 15-minute narrated presentation discusses the importance of recognizing and embracing diversity in the makeup of district boards and in deliver of services to the citizens of the district.
- Leading Your District to Be All That It Can Be - This PowerPoint presentation goes through the expectations for district supervisors and staff in the district law (NC General Statute 139) and in each district's Operational Agreement. The presentation was initially given by David Williams as several of the 2016 Spring Area Meetings.
- Managers Guide to Monitoring Stress - A 17-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation to help managers recognize signs of stress, causes or stress, and steps that should be taken to treat stress for staff.