Structural Pest Control and Pesticides - Pollinators - Farmers
Pollinator Health

What NCDA&CS is Doing

Resources & Research

- EPA Protecting Bees and Other Pollinators from Pesticides
- Farming for Bees (pdf) - Xerces Society
- Farming for Pollinators (pdf) USDA-NRCS
- N.C. Ag Chemical Manual (pdf) Relative toxicity of ag chemicals to honeybees
- Pollinator Protection NCSU, Center for IPM
- NCRS Documents and Resources for Pollinator Conservation and Enhancements (pdf) USDA
- The New EPA Bee Advisory Box
- Coordinating with other agencies and organizations to develop a N.C. Pollinator Protection Plan
- Structural Pest Control and Pesticides Division educates consumers and farmers on proper pesticide usage.
- The Agronomic Division helps farmers improve management of land to maintain effective habitat areas.
- Division of Soil and Water Conservation helps farmers and landowners incorporate pollinator habitat areas into best management plans through consultations and cost-share programs. Establishing Pollinator Habitat through CREP
- Structural Pest Control and Pesticides is supporting Beewatch and FieldWatch to help connect farmers and beekeepers.
For Farmers: Know your Beekeeper
APPLES Wild pollinators of eastern apple orchards and how to conserve them (PSU)
CHRISTMAS TREES, THE POLLINATOR STUDY: Documenting Biodiversity (NCSU, 2015)
WATERMELON: Guide to Bees Visiting Watermelon in the East (Xerces Society)
Standards for the Coexistence of Row Crop Farmers and Beekeepers (Mississippi State University)
Bees need farms and farms need bees. It’s that simple.

Farms need the pollination services provided by bees to grow up to a third of the crops that we produce. In return, bees need a safe environment in which to do their job.
Farmers should take an active role in protecting pollinators by making informed decisions about pesticide applications and other activities that may adversely affect bees. It starts with opening lines of communication with local beekeepers.
Working together, we can create a healthier environment for all pollinators and help keep agriculture North Carolina’s No. 1 industry.
Cover Crops for Farmers
Consider these and other native plants to create pollinator habitats on the farm.
- Alfalfa
- Buckwheat
- Canola
- Clover, berseem
- Clover, crimson
- Clover, kura
- Clover, red
- Clover, rose
- Clover, strawberry
- Clover, white
- Cowpea
- Dill
- Fava bean
- Flax
- Kale
- Mustard, tame
- Partridge pea
- Phacelia
- Radish
- Safflower
- Sainfoin
- Soybean
- Sunflower
- Sunn hemp
- Sweet clover
- Turnip
- Vetch, chickling
- Vetch, common
- Vetch, hairy
- Vetch, purple

Know the Label

Some pesticide products are known to be toxic to bees, whether by direct exposure or by residues on blooming crops or weeds. These pesticide labels caution against allowing drift to blooming crops or weeds while bees are foraging in the treatment area. Prior to applying any pesticide, look for the bee advisory box and read and follow the label, particularly concerning statements and restrictions regarding bees.
Additional Resources
- Apiary Registration Form
- The Pollinating Power of Solitary Bees, and How to Attract These Gentle Insects To Your Backyard Garden (Joe Gardener)
- Benefits of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments to Soybean Production -18 pages (EPA)
- Conserving Bumble Bees - 40 pages(The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation)
- Evaluation of Canadian Bee Mortalities that Coincided with Corn Planting in the Spring 2012 - 3 pages (Health Canada)
- Reducing the Risk of Pesticide Poisoning to Honey Bees - 6 pages (NCSU)
- Report on the National Stakeholders Conference on Honey Bee Health - 72 pages (USDA)
- Securing Pollinator Health and Crop Protection - 71 pages (Pollinator Partnership)
- A report to the legislature from the honey bee work group - 42 pages (WSDA)
- North Dakota Pollinator Plan - 9 pages (NDDA)
- Honeybees and Agriculture: A Buzzing Controversy? - (NAAA)
- Conserving Bumble Bees - 40 pages (Xerces Society)