One of the State Fair’s most popular and enduring attractions, the Village of Yesteryear features more than 75 artists and crafters creating, displaying and selling time-honored handmade crafts.
This exhibit, held in the Holshouser Building, offers fairgoers a great opportunity to get a jump on their holiday shopping with items for all price ranges.
Fair visitors can watch crafters spin wool into yarn, weave yarn into cloth, make rugs, turn pottery, carve wooden bowls and utensils, make split-oak baskets and more. Native American crafts such as hand-coiled pottery, beadwork and stone carving are also featured.
Kids and kids-at-heart can even make their own dolls or stuffed toy to take home.
For more information, go to www.villageofyesteryear.org or read a post from the Deep Fried @ The N.C. State Fair blog about the Village of Yesteryear.
The Village of Yesteryear is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, except on Thursday, Oct. 17, when the exhibit will open at 12 p.m.