VENDOR INFORMARTION Calling all concessionaires, food trucks and novelty owners: we've got indoor and outdoor space for you. Take a look at our instructions and application below and be part of the hottest festival in the Triangle! Registration is OPEN for indoor and outdoor vendors. DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 2025 | GOT to BE NC MEMBER VENDOR INFORMATION Got to Be NC members are invited to show, sample, and sell your products in the Got to Be NC Pavilion / Food Lion Local Goodness Marketplace located inside the 50,000 square foot Agri Supply Exposition Center. This is your chance to join over 100 other North Carolina food and beverage companies to promote your products to thousands of consumers. The Got to Be NC Pavilion features only food and beverage products made, processed or grown in North Carolina. A limited number of approved North Carolina-made crafts may exhibit, but priority for exhibit space will be given to food and beverage products. |